Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Bern

Hi everyone! This weekend we went to New Bern to visit the Johnson side of the family. My dad, brother and sister live there. New Bern is about 2 1/2 hours from our house. My niece had a soccer tournament near Maysville. We like to catch her games when we can. Her team has been together for a while and are having some success. They won the beast of the East tournament in Wilmington a couple of months ago. Her team was short handed this tournament and only had one extra player. They did ok and came in third. My niece scored two goals in their second game of the day on Saturday. The day was hot and a thunderstorm blew through which delayed things. Some people lost canopies that they had left up at the field. The rain came down so hard and heavy it bent the poles.

Kathy's dad seems to be doing ok. He had a pacemaker put in in early July and he seems to be feeling better. I think he looks pretty darn good for being 79 years old. Tom and I ran 4 miles this morning. I am getting ready for the Charlottesville 4 miler and she needs to make the family proud. It will be a lot of fun to run with my friend. I am proud of her for sticking with it and training for it.

Well, tomorrow is back to work. Both of us have been really busy. I am trying to lock a study on which I have been working on for two years. Lock time is always busy because you are working on finalizing everything.

Take care and talk to you soon!