Thursday, July 3, 2008

We are home!

Hello everyone! We made it home. It was quite a trip back. Everything went fine over there, we should have known it was too good to be true. When we got to the airport in Sydney, we were told our flight had been canceled and that they had booked us on an earlier flight to Brisbane. They claimed they did not have any local numbers to call and tell us. I know they had my cell phone. They knew the flight had been canceled on June 27th. We had heard that there were canceled flights because of an engineer strike, but I was told it only affected domestic flights. We had met some ladies the day before who was also on the same flight and they did not know the flight had been canceled. Anyway, we were lucky and got on an United flight to LA. The bad thing was we had to sit apart. The United flight also did no have as many amenities as Qantas, but the seats were bigger. Tom had a good window seat with lots of leg room and my seat wasn't too bad either. I slept most of the way to LA. Then we got stuck in Customs at LA. It turns out that a Hong Kong flight and our flight arrived at the same time. Needless, to say we missed our connecting flights and had to be re-booked on later flights. We finally arrived at the house about 2:30 in the morning. The good news was that our luggage arrived with us. They were checked on the other flights. Someone realized we were re-routed and got our luggage with us.

It is good to be home. We slept pretty well today, so far the jet lag is not too bad. We shall see how we feel tonight and tomorrow.

Have a Happy July 4th!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is looking great! Keep it up! Don't stop bloggin' just because you are back. Hugs - Mel