Sunday, November 2, 2008

The City Of Oaks Half Marathon

Hi everyone,

Well I did it! I actually finished the City of Oaks Half Marathon. About half way into it, I had some doubts. I started feeling weak. I ate a couple of shot blocks and got my blood sugar back up and I was able to finish. I did it in 2:26. I was hoping to finish about 2:30, so I was very happy. The AE Finley YMCA water table really got me energized toward the end of the race. It was great to see their smiling, cheering faces. I wore my UNC gear and ran through the heart of NC State territory. I got a lot of "Go Heels" cheers, which was encouraging. It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. I want to thank my training partners, Bill, Maria, Brenda, Vicky, Tina, and my great husband Tom. Without their encouragement, I would never have attempted this. Thanks to Maria for convincing me to sign up. I wasn't first, but I was not last either. I got my medal and now I can get a 13.1 sticker for our cars. I also want to thank my trainer Lee, if it wasn't for him whipping me into shape, I would never have done this. He and my friend Debbie came by to congratulate me. Debbie brought me flowers, which was very nice. She is a great friend. I am so lucky to have this wonderful group of friends.

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