Wednesday, August 26, 2009

O.A.R. Concert

This past weekend Kat and I were lucky enough to attend two concerts that we have been looking forward to for quite a while. On Saturday we joined our close friends Don and Scherri at the Alan Jackson concert at Walnut Creek. Don is a close friend of Danny who is the lead guitarist for Alan Jackson. Danny was nice enough to have 6 tickets waiting for us when we arrived. The concert was wonderful with Alan singing most of his hits.
On Sunday, our nephew Zach stopped by for the day and we along with our other close friend Mary Charles went to see O.A.R. at Koko Booth Amphitheater. Zach and I have been big fans of this band for a long time now. The concert was just awesome, with them playing close to two and a half hours. We had a great time tailgating before hand for a couple of hours.

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