Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We finally got the call

Well after almost 4 years of waiting, we finally got the call. A couple of months ago Tom and I decided to try our luck with the China Special Needs program. Little did we know that it would happen so fast. Once we completed some more paperwork, we were would good to go. Karla called us at 1 in the morning and said she found her. A couple of hours later she sent us Caroline's information. Before we said yes we had an international specialist review the file. There are some risks, but she said everything looked positive. This was enough for us, so we said YES. The magic was that our little girl was found wearing a light blue jacket. Is that a sign or what? Our application was sent, so now we are waitng to hear back from that. We are hoping to travel to get her in June. Her 2 year birthday will be on April 25th. As you can see, she is very beautiful and we will be very blessed to bring this little girl int our lives.

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