Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 6 Australia

Hello everyone! We had another great day! I can't believe how nice the weather has been. I was concerned because whenever I checked the weather from home, it was raining. We have had nothing but sunshine. We went across the Harbour Bridge. We didn't climb it, but walking across was fun. Then we went to the famous Bondi Beach. It was beautiful. The temp was around 70. I touched the water and it really was not all that cold. There were quite a few surfers out there. We walked the Coastal trailand it was great, then we went and had lunch at Nick's. We did some shopping and headed back to Sydney.

We went to Luna Park across the water. I couldn't find the hours listed anywhere. We got over there and it was closed. We were able to walk around and take pictures, but we could not ride anything. we headed back to Sydney and had dinner. We decided to try some Australian Pizza. it was good, but it sure was no Randy's.

Tomorrow we are off to the Aquarium, some shopping and probably a Harbour Cruise. It is hard to believe our time here is almost over, but it has been great!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 5 Australia

Hi everyone. We had a full day today. We were picked up at the hotel at 7:30 and took a ride out to the Blue Mountains. The weather was beautiful. We first went to a wildlife park where we got to get up close to some of Australia's most famous animals. We got to pet a Koala and a Kangaroo.
Next we were off to the mountains. We did some hiking and got the see the Three Sisters formation. We also rode two cable cars and the world's steepest railway. Then we did lunch at a country club and more mountain hiking.

The day ended with a ferry ride from near the Olympic Stadium to Circular Quay. Tomorrow, we are hoping to make it to Bondi Beach.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 4 Australia

Hello everyone. Today Tom and I moved from the Intercontinental to the Lord Nelson. We were pleasantly surprised. The Lord Nelson is nice. The room is nice and clean and the brewery is right downstairs. They only have 10 rooms and all are full this weekend.

We went to the zoo today. It was a lot of fun. We took a ferry to get over there and the weather was nice. We saw some pretty neat animals. After the zoo we went to tour the Opera House. The building is as pretty on the inside as it is on the outside. Tomorrow we do the Blue Mountains.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 3 Australia

Hello Everyone back in the states. Kathy is busy with her last presentation today so I had to venture out for myself again. I've done a lot of exploring in the last few days and my feet are killing me.

We move to our new hotel tomorrow morning. I can't wait! I really like the hotel that we're in now but it should be a bloody blast staying in a brewery.
I hope everyone is enjoying the photos.

Work is over! Now it is time to play. My presentations went well and I am relieved that it is over. I am ready to explore the beautiful city of Sydney.

Day 2 Australia

We are doing great. These have been the longest two days of my life. I have been busy with work so Tom has been exploring the city without me. Last night he almost blew up our hotel room! He brought his small fan from home and plugged it in. I guess it was not compatible, so it blew some fuses. We had no AC or TV. We had the hotel fix everything, of course we didn't tell them how we blew them.

I had two presentations to do today. My practice did not go well, so I was very nervous, but I nailed it. The CD that was I doing the training on went smoothly. My client and PM were very pleased. Somehow I ended up with the most presentations, so I guess I earned my trip. I have one more to do tomorrow and then my vacation can start. My new Australian friends have been telling where we need to visit.

The people here are great. I was told they pride themselves on being friendly to visitors. It has definitely been worth the long plane ride.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Day in Australia

We finally made it. This was the longest day of our lives. The flight from L.A. to Sydney was 14 hours and all of it at night. We tried to sleep as much as possible. Qantas fed us pretty well. We got dinner at midnight and then breaksfast around 3:oo in the morning.

The Hotel is beautiful and overlooks the harbor. We are going to do some exploring before work and Tom will download some pictures.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Thursday, June 19th 2008

Kathy and I are getting ready for our trip to Australia this coming Monday.

We will be flying into Sydney and spending 10 days touring the city along with a day trip to the Blue Mountains.