Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 6 Australia

Hello everyone! We had another great day! I can't believe how nice the weather has been. I was concerned because whenever I checked the weather from home, it was raining. We have had nothing but sunshine. We went across the Harbour Bridge. We didn't climb it, but walking across was fun. Then we went to the famous Bondi Beach. It was beautiful. The temp was around 70. I touched the water and it really was not all that cold. There were quite a few surfers out there. We walked the Coastal trailand it was great, then we went and had lunch at Nick's. We did some shopping and headed back to Sydney.

We went to Luna Park across the water. I couldn't find the hours listed anywhere. We got over there and it was closed. We were able to walk around and take pictures, but we could not ride anything. we headed back to Sydney and had dinner. We decided to try some Australian Pizza. it was good, but it sure was no Randy's.

Tomorrow we are off to the Aquarium, some shopping and probably a Harbour Cruise. It is hard to believe our time here is almost over, but it has been great!

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