Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 2 Australia

We are doing great. These have been the longest two days of my life. I have been busy with work so Tom has been exploring the city without me. Last night he almost blew up our hotel room! He brought his small fan from home and plugged it in. I guess it was not compatible, so it blew some fuses. We had no AC or TV. We had the hotel fix everything, of course we didn't tell them how we blew them.

I had two presentations to do today. My practice did not go well, so I was very nervous, but I nailed it. The CD that was I doing the training on went smoothly. My client and PM were very pleased. Somehow I ended up with the most presentations, so I guess I earned my trip. I have one more to do tomorrow and then my vacation can start. My new Australian friends have been telling where we need to visit.

The people here are great. I was told they pride themselves on being friendly to visitors. It has definitely been worth the long plane ride.

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