Monday, September 1, 2008

We are the champions!


This weekend I was privileged to take part in a very special event. It started as a casual comment by my friend Lisa. She mentioned that the she wanted to do the Charlottesville 4 miler. I told her if she was serious and trained I would do it with her. Lisa took me up on the offer. She trained diligently, by getting up at 5 in the morning to run. Well all that hard work paid off. On August 30th, our 11th Wedding anniversary, Lisa and I set out with 2,998 other women. The event was inspiring. There were women of every age, shape and size. People were running or walking for the UVA Breast Cancer Center. It was very humbling to see all the signs for those who were walking for their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, etc.. who were stricken with this cancer. Lisa was a trooper. Words can't descirbe how proud I am of her. She pushed through her fatigue and finished the race. We finished at 55:25, which was 10 minutes better than her training time. I cheerleaded her on. I reminded her how proud her family would be when she finished. I was right! Her kids gave us the biggest hugs and let us know how proud they were of us. We held hands at the end, because her daughter asked us to. Lisa did great and we are looking forward to doing it again next year.

Our anniversary was great. We went to a seafood restaurant with Tom's parents and Lisa, Mike, Jordan and Drew. I can't believe we have been married this long. I feel blessed to have a great husband, who makes me laugh and has seen me through some tough times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats... not only on the run, but on 11 years with TOM :-)