Monday, September 21, 2009

Brewgrass 2009

We went to Brewgrass 2009 in Asheville. Tom and I drove to Asheville to attend our third Brewgrass festival. This year we were nervous about the weather. All week the forecast was a 50% chance of rain. When we got there Friday afternoon, it rained. Saturday morning we woke up to partly cloudy skies. We went to the festival and the sun came out. Lucky for us the rain held out all day. We tried some really good beer from some brewers we had not tried before. My favorite was the Red Devil from Pisgah. It was a cherry flovored beer that was great. It was not too sweet. Tom tried a lot of dark beers. The music was good as well. We set our chairs and enjoyed some good brews and good music. I hope we can go next year. This year tickets sold pretty quick.

Brewgrass is a great beer tasting to go to, because you can try beers that we cannot find around Raleigh. The crowd is great and not there just to get drunk. The festival lasts 7 hours, so you can take your time and enjoy the beer and music!

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