Monday, September 21, 2009

C'ville 4 Miler Number 2

Hi everyone,

Two days after my day as a Chef, I ran some of the calories off in the C'ville 4 miler. My friend Lisa and I ran the 4 miles. This is a great race. The town of Charlottesville really gets behind it and supports it. The proceeds go to breast cancer. It is an awesome sight to see 3300 women show up to run and walk this race. The day was beautiful. It was a little cool in the morning, but warmed up nicely. Lisa and I had a lot of fun. Her husband and kids were out there cheering her on and my husband and nephew were out there cheering me on. I love the crowds that come to cheer people on and the signs made for survivors and family members lost is so inspiring. I love to run when it is for a good cause. Lisa and I ran the whole race and cut 7 minutes off of our time from last year. Good job Lisa, I am so proud of you. Hopefully I will be able to run it next year.

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